Playstation 3 WikiSo many times I read from people either through forum posts or articles on the web about people voicing their opinion about whether or not the PS3 is worth the "ridiculous" price that it is going for right now, and whether it will be successful as game console or not. Now, this isn't a bash the XBox360 article, so let's not start the "fanboy" labeling. Both consoles have their strong points, and this is not a justification of my purchase article either, but rather an objective look at the merits of the console. So, continuing on I have placed an article from wikipedia for those interested in a little background. Also, before I go into my review of the PS3, I would like to give you a little background on me. I think that is essential for any writer to disclose so that you know what angle they are taking. We all have an agenda, whether we admit it or not.
I have never personally bought a console before. I've never waited in lines for anything except the average things like movies and the bathroom. That is until I saw the PS3. There really wasn't any reason why I decided, along with my wife, to wait for a launch console. I really didn't play games very much, but I always kept up-to-date on what's going on in the world of technology. So, we waited for one, in the rain and freezing nights outside our local Circuit City. We were able to purchase one, and well, this is what I think about it so far.
Sony markets this product not only as a game console, but as an entertainment hub as well, because of the inclusion of Blu-ray and its network capabilities. If you were to just base the price on Blu-ray, the PS3 is equal in price to stand-alone players, but it just doesn't play Blu-ray movies, but Blu-ray games as well. Before I continue it should be mentioned that the real experience of Blu-ray and the PS3 has to be obtained with the addition of an HDTV, of which I recommend LCD. So, even though the prices are dropping very nicely (Come on Samsung 46" LCD 1080P!), high-definition is still in its infancy here in the states. Next, the PS3 plays games on the 50gb capacity Blu-ray discs. I've heard people mention downloadable content will make physical media obsolete, but please tell me why I want to wait for my high-def movie to be downloaded when I can get the data already on a disc? 25gb is a lot of waiting folks, even with fast internet. I know there are compression techniques and such, but if we want quality, why should we suffer? Now, about the games. People are so picky and impatient, but what's out there now is actually quite enjoyable, and diverse as well. We've got Resistance, a great FPS. MotorStorm, is a blast and quite challenging in single player or multiplayer mode. I've enjoyed the gameplay of Spider-man 3, though the graphics are severely lacking. Let's be honest, people are still learning how to develop for the PS3, and these remakes, with the exception of Ninja Gaiden Sigma, are quite paltry in their efforts at graphics, but this will change over time. There are several interesting games coming out soon like, The Darkness, Lair, Haze, Heavenly Sword, Singstar, WarHawk, Uncharted:Drake's Fortune, Little Big Planet, that will breath life into the PS3 and what it has to offer. And, with the continued development of the Playstation Network, and the games being offered their like Calling All Cars, Flow, Go!Puzzle, The Agency, and many more, they are starting to build a library that seems to only get better.
It should also be mentioned that Sony continues to add capabilities to the PS3 through firmware updates, such as DVD-upscaling, increased backward-compatibilty, stronger chat and camera capabilities, the ability to use remote play to stream music and videos to your PSP from any hotspot, and more, means that things can only improve, and for free I would add. I know that there is talk of a price-cut, but even right now, if you add up the features, it's easy to see why the PS3 is worth the price of $599.00. So, regardless if you dislike Sony or the Playstation brand, from a pure economical perspective, this is a great piece of hardware for what it costs. I hope this article has been helpful, and I welcome all comments. If you want to learn further I suggest these sites:
Joystiq.comPS3 Quick Jump PageKotaku.comTo discuss the latest gaming news, and your preference for any console, check this site out:
All Games RadioBe warned that this radio show is not censored.