Well, I have been pretty lazy with this blog. I'm actually not that funny anymore, and that is a shame. The problem is that I don't have a lot of time cause, hello, I'm a cancer researcher, but serving is what I do best. Just ask my wife. So, what I wanted to do was just talk a little bit about things that interest me, but I have found that I like too many things and am often side-tracked. Apparently that is my personality. I'm a lefty. Most of us are like that. Anways, I coud so easily make this a ranting blog, because life has left me bitter! Oh well. I think I should put more video on here, but that will have to wait. I've also learned that I cannot watch Comedy Central or TBS and write at the same time. There are too many shows worth watching, such as Seinfeld and Reno 911. I would love to talk about relationships, and what I have learned from the various ones I have been in, and about what women want, and how guys need to just make them feel safe. That is probably the biggest thing that women want. A real guy who is genuinely interested in her, and not just her smokin' hot body. My friend the other day asked me who was prettier, Jessica Alba or someone slutty with bigger boobs, I don't know, we'll say Lindsay Lohan. Please keep in mind this was a woman who asked this. I explained to her, it depends. For long-term, Jessica Alba would seem like that sweet girl that you could love for the rest of your life, while Lindsay would just be someone you'd have your way with for a night. However, a lesson to be learned is that even a mediocore girl with big boobs is always going to find someone. That's just how life works. I didn't make the rules, I've just spent time getting to know them. Actually, while I am on the subject of Lindsay Lohan, if she happens to read my blog, then I hope she hears this from a smart guy who has a perceptive perspective. Most guys think you are too skinny. We also thought that you were crazy hot in Mean Girls. You look good. You weren't fat by any means, but you definitely had a fuller-figure. A good man is turned on by the gentle touch of your skin. If you want to make your man happy and feel good, just let him feel you, feel your skin close. It's very sensual for us.
Sorry, I didn't mean for this to get all steamy. I guess that is all for now. Maybe, I would be better if I just looked at the news of today, and just comment on that. I mean, I don't mind telling people my opinion, but actually, I like to have fun and relax, and be funny too. It's is a tough climb, but I know I can overcome. Besides, if my blog or my PhD doesn't work out so well, at least I know how to use a weed-eater!
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