As I keep this going, I am still working out the details. I think I want Friday to be a kind of anything goes day. So, in the spirit of Friday, here is an essay that I had written about love and relationships. It is satirical in nature, but humorous as well I hope. Enjoy:
Love, Is It Magic?
What drives people to fall in love? Is there some unseen force driving the most unlikely of people to meet and then become hopelessly in love with each other? Or is love just a series of mistakes that end up making you so callous that you just forget everything, that as a young man or woman you told yourself would be the key things that you would never settle on? No, love could not be that. Love has to be this feeling that you just know. Love is a force that blinds, I mean binds everything you see about someone else. Nope, sorry, when you get that feeling, stop and tell yourself that what you are feeling is good old fashioned lust, maker and breaker of countless relationships.
And so, how can you tell when it is love? Have you ever seen a couple and said to yourself, "how can THEY be together?" It is funny what we will do to find our one, to find our soul mate. Do they even exist, or are they just a fictional character made up just to believe in something, or just something moms tell their daughters so that they will not just get pregnant at an early age. Nah, wait till later so that the divorce will be even more painful, but hey, at least you get child support. "For your troubles ma'am!" This writer believes that the notion of "the one" is a sexist notion because for the most part I believe most men aren't firm believers of this notion. The media will explain this one for us. In a skittles commercial, put out recently, they have one, tailored for women, in which there is a man riding on a horse, who then jumps off, grabs the woman, kisses her, and places skittles in her mouth. Did you imagine that being you women? Doesn't that excite your very core? I thought so. As for the other one, there is a man, and circling him in the air are five beautiful women, in long flowing dresses, as if angles, each of which feed him skittles. does the thought of that excite you men? I thought so. So, then, may I ask how do two people from such distinct backgrounds ever make it together? I think that at this point there needs to be made a distinction between making it and being together. Getting together is easy now-a-days. I bet there are more people getting together than there ever has been, and that may be a contributing factor into why the divorce rate is so high. And yet, I refuse to believe that people get into a relationship already saying, "Well, I hope that our breakup goes well!" These people, whenever they get together, believe in all their hearts that they will last. Well, most mature people anyways. High school relationships will always be the exception.
So then, what drives the people who are at one point in love do all sorts of crazy things? I would like to take this point to explain to all you people on the edge of your seats who are waiting to see where this surprisingly smart and witty writer will arrive, in hopes that all of your problems will be solved. Well, forget it. What we are doing is taking a journey of discovery. Shall we continue? So what happens in these relationships? How does a relationship that starts as bliss, turn into, "man guys, she sure was a b----!" Now I know that not all relationships don't end that way, but just think of all the relationships that you have ever had and I am sure that you will remember a couple. This writer happens to believe that the real heroes of our generations are the couples that make it. The world now-a-days seems to be catered to not making it. Heck divorces run fifty dollars in the thrifty nickel, for those bargain hunters out there.
If you still remain skeptical, then let's recap. For starters, return to the land of skittles where angelic women float, and men ride horses with only one destination, your arms. Next, recall if you ever remember telling your new partner, "I hope the divorce or breakup isn't too painful" Couple that thought with how many people are getting divorced in this age. It's scary huh? I bet you are thinking how eerie it is that I know so much, well, my answer to that is, I found that Oprah really does have stuff to say, and not just ads for her book club, which I must say, she does have good taste!.......
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