Anyone who's ever shopped with Best Buy, and purchased something from the store ranging from a TV to a boom box has no doubt had one of their sales associates ask you to buy the protection plan, saying that for just this little amount you can be covered against all kinds of things that can go wrong. Well, out of my better judgment I decided to get a two-year plan with my PSP.
Well, after a few months of having my PSP, I got tired of the dead pixel in the center of my screen, and so I thought I would take it up to my local Best Buy in Irving, TX off of 183 Airport Freeway (As you can see, I am quite angry) and asked to have it replaced since there was a defect and I was well within my protection plan. Well, I took my PSP and my receipt to the counter and was told that I have to have a Geek Squad check it out. So the "specialist" looked at it, saw the pixel, and informed me that Best Buy follows the manufacturer's policy which was that there needs to be at least 5 pixels in order for them to replace it. I was not happy about that because no where on their plan does it say that and no one mentioned this "official policy" to me when I bought the plan. I told the guy, so basically I have to have enough defects in order to have it replaced and he replied, well if that's how you want phrase it. Come on, how else could it be said. I had a dead pixel which is a defect and they did not want to replace it, and I heard several other higher-ups say that this is the policy because it's Sony's. So, they told me there was nothing they could do. That is a lie!
I called Sony and they said that there is no pixel count before they would replace the product. Of course, I called Best Buy, and informed them that their official policy that follows Sony's is not right at all, and magically they offered to replace the product that I paid to have protected. So, don't let Best Buy tell you their lies. This almost made me angry enough to go back to Circuit City, but that's another story. Actually, I just may keep my purhcases to Big River (Amazon).
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