On Monday, CNN televised the first ever debate where the questions were sent in by YouTubers out there, and given to the Democratic Party presidential candidates. Boy, were they all out in full force. The questions ranged from serious to down right deleterious. I really can't say what I thought about it because I did not watch it. Why didn't I watch it? First off, It's July '07! When is the vote? November '08! Mmmm, that is a little far off for me to be thinking about that. Really, though, that is not the point that I want to make. I'm going to speak to the candidates out there, and give them a little secret. Now listen carefully ok? I'm even going to start a whole new paragraph to make it nice and easy to read.
You can make all the videos you want, and spread your message to the millions of technophiles out there, but guess what? I really don't think it will help come vote day. Why? Cause we really don't vote. Why is that you might ask? Which would really help you guys I know, but the answer is this. No matter how cool your videos are, that is not going to get us off our butts and out the door to vote. We're not lazy for the most part, we just don't like inconvenience. Why do we like YouTube and other sites like that? We do because I can sit on my butt and click away. Did I mention, this can all be clothing optional? Miminal effort is what we seek. If we could text or vote on-line American Idol style, then I am sure the numbers would go through the roof. Don't feel bad about this. You guys are collecting record amounts of campaign money, so spend away. That's why I'm not a hardcore recycler. I don't want to have to seperate stuff. I just like to throw it away and be done! Oh well, I guess I'm safe until the Al Gore Gestapo shows at my door.
So, I say create all the videos you want, but it's going to take more than that to get these World of Warcraft, Sneezing Panda, I-Pod listening bums off the net and out to vote. Don't worry though. I'm going to vote cause Chris Farley told me to!