Okay, Okay. I hear you. I get it. All my posts are about race. Well, no they aren't, but it seems that lately they have been. However, look into the eyes of little Dora, and tell her she doesn't belong. Well, of course she doesn't, she is a cartoon, but I believe the point is clear.
So, you may wonder how I came up with this idea. Sadly, it is not my own. I was watching TV one night, and they were showing an immigration rally in Irving, TX, and this caucasian gentleman (I'll be nice here) was holding a piƱata of Dora the Explorer along with a sign pointing to her with the words, "Illegal Alien". How crazy is that? I don't get how people can be so inflamed that they make comments like that. We don't need TV writers, when real life is way more hysterical.
I have heard a suggestion for fixing the immigration problem that involved having gun turrets along fence, and that if they can pick a few Mexicans off, they will learn their lesson, and that will take care of that. I am not kidding, I actually overheard a debate, and that was the self-proclaimed enlightened man's idea. Well, we will never get anywhere with thoughts like that floating around.
So, unless we want Dora back in her country doing who knows what (selling gum), then we need to come together, and develop an idea or support a candidate that is fair. That concludes my last race post for a while....you can rest easy.