On September 26, 2007 there was a relatively small protest over the city of Irving, Tx's recent rise in the number of deportations. There were several altercations, and while no one was officially arrested, tension was high. In question is the practice of police officers rapidly turning over suspected illegal immigrants to federal authorities, and the nature of these detentions. Opponents of the practice say that the police are singling-out hispanics in their daily enforcement of laws and how minor traffic infractions are turning into deportations. Supporters say that this program is removing from our country people that do not belong here anyways.
I would like to give you a taste of what I have experienced as a minority. This is not meant to be a plea, but an enlightenment to those unfortunate/fortunate enough to not have experienced this. I find it humorous myself. So, without further ado, I present the how you can tell you are minority, based on true events that I have experienced:
Getting pulled over for having my front-end of my car pass the white line at a stop light.
Getting pulled over for making a left turn too widely.
(Of course both these times I was seriously grilled by the officer. I love how they try and ask all these types of questions trying to trip you up.)
Also, this has happened to me on several occasions, while getting out of my car in a parking lot or restaurant I have heard car alarms being activated and seen no one recently get out of the car. I guess seeing my face is a reminder that your property is at risk!
These are just some of the funny things that have happened in my life. I know better to ever drive without my license for fear of deportation! I really don't think that anything like that would happen to me, but you've got to keep your eyes open. I say enough is enough.