Ladies, there is something that I have to let you in on about men. I know some of you out there might not believe this, but trust me when I tell you that for the most part what I am about to tell you is true. Now, what you do with this knowledge is entirely up to you, and if I were you, I'd use it for fun, but hey, that's me. So, onto the secrets I have to impart.
I love women in skirts. I love my wife in skirts. Do you love skirts yourself? Chances are, you do. So, please keep this in mind next time you are out in public in your favorite mini or professional dress. If you are sitting and there is a man (men) across from you or at an angle or passing by or remotely near you (you get the point), he (they) will almost without a doubt take a glance to see if he can catch a glance of the hot zone. Now, that may seem a little perverted, but that is just the way it is. I didn't make the rules, I just observe them. Now, please don't feel too special and think you're hot stuff though. I mean, hey, maybe you are, and that's awesome, but in reality, it wouldn't matter if the woman was 300 pounds, she still would get glances if she had to change positions. If some of you have men, go ahead and ask them, and if they say yes, then hey, you've got an honest guy, if they say no, then....it's time for a talk. Most men, will just do a quick glance, and go on. If you notice a lingerer then I would suggest possibly sounding the stalker alarm.
Also, I think it is worth mentioning that pretty much, men will try and see whatever they can possibly get away with. For instance, some ladies out there have a nice bust. We aren't blind. Even other women notice the size of girls and particularly their dress as well. If you've got a button shirt that is kind of tight that shows skin through the buttons, trust me when I tell you that this will not escape the notice of guys eyes. I think we are just wired that way. I mean, I think some guys are just like that. Some of us are like Indiana Jones treasure seekers, and our treasure is skin! So, on with the hunt!
I hope that this information doesn't scare you, but actually, if it turns you on, then that's really cool. I think guys in general wouldn't mind women being more sexual. Call me progressive in that notion if you want. So ladies, next time you're out and about, keep conscious of what I have just told you, and see what happens. And guys, remember, the 5-second rule does not only apply to food, but to glances as well! I hope this information helps to open the door to more understanding between the sexes. Good times for all.